As you deal with the courts and the Registry, you deserve to have a skilled, experienced, and effective advocate in your corner. DUI Defenders will represent and assist you at every step of the way, from arraignment and trial to dealing with the Registry and getting your license back. We will work hard to insure that your drunk driving arrest does not result in a DWI conviction.
In a Mass. OUI case, the skill and experience of your lawyer can make the difference between a not guilty verdict and a painful DUI conviction. With lifetime look back periods and the severe DUI penalties established by Melanie’s Law, hiring the right DUI Lawyer is more important now than it ever was. Contact a Massachusetts DUI Defender today for a free consultation. It costs absolutely nothing and it may save your license, your livelihood, and your freedom.
Mass. DUI Defenders are ex police officers, former DUI prosecutors, and experienced defense lawyers. Let us put our years of knowledge and expertise to work for you. We know the complicated DUI laws inside and out. In addition, we are familiar with the latest in field sobriety testing and breathalyzer procedures. This specialized knowledge allows us to provide the very best representation for those individuals who had the misfortune of being arrested for DWI in Massachusetts.
As you deal with your Massachusetts DWI, please keep in mind that being arrested for drunk driving does not make you a criminal. Indeed, celebrities, doctors, lawyers, police officers, prosecutors, politicians, teachers, housewives, and even judges have been arrested for DUI. Over 15,000 people are arrested for DWI in Massachusetts every year. No one is immune from simply being at the wrong place at the wrong time, after having consumed some alcohol. We understand this. Hire a skilled DUI Defender to help you achieve the best possible outcome and put your Mass. OUI arrest behind you.
Hiring the right lawyer to defend you in a Massachusetts DUI case is absolutely critical. In my practice, I have personally seen lawyers make rookie mistakes which have resulted in unjust DUI convictions, guilty verdicts, bad plea bargains, and long-term license suspensions, all of which were completely preventable. With the complexities of the Massachusetts DUI laws and drunk driving license suspensions, successful DUI defense requires a specialist who knows how to properly handle a drunk driving case. The days of going to a friend, relative, general practitioner, or the guy who did your real estate closing for a DUI case are over. The stakes are too high and it is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to fix mistakes after a drunk driving trial or plea bargain.